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PING 2019 Intro to Michigan Agriculture 

PING 2019 included activities centered on farm and agricultural life. Right after the participants left to go home, Dr. Gueye and a few program volunteers came to the Shiawassee County Fair in Corunna, MI. PING 2019 was the pilot year and they wanted to do a bit of preliminary research before PING's official launch in the summer of 2020. 


At the fair Dr. Gueye and the volunteers were able to walk through all the animal barns: horse, pig, dairy, beef, sheep, poultry, rabbit, dog, and goat barns. They also visited an exhibit barn where 4H youth are able to enter competitions in: baking, cooking, photography, all forms of art, woodworking, canning, flower arranging, garden growing, creative writing, sewing and many more. They also got to walk down the midway and experience all types of food and drinks as well as many carnival rides. They attended a rodeo while they were there as well as watch different type of animal shows. 

Although the student participants were not present, it was important to gain insight on how to acclimate them to Michigan life, especially given the chance they may one day end up at Michigan State University.

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